Merritt Animal Hospital 519-360-4508

Surgical Services for Pets

Offering routine and advanced surgeries for dogs and cats.

Surgical Services for Pets

Offering routine and advanced surgeries for dogs and cats.

No matter what type of surgery - spay and neuter, lump removals, cystotomy, c-sections, or foreign object removal - our veterinarians and staff will take great care of your pet. Our veterinarians are highly skilled at routine and advanced surgeries, so you can rest assured knowing your pet is safe. For more information about our surgical services, call us at 519-360-4508.          

Should pets fast for surgery?

Surgeries are done on an empty stomach to reduce the risk of vomiting due to anesthesia. It is recommended that pets fast for 10-12 hours before the surgery. You can feed them water until the morning of the surgery.

Is anesthesia safe for my pet?

Modern anesthesia has come a long way. It is a safe medication used during all types of surgeries. Before every surgery, we conduct a thorough physical examination and blood test to determine the kind and the amount of anesthesia to be used.

How long does it take for pets to recover from surgery?

The recovery period for surgeries varies from patient to patient. It depends on many factors, such as the type of surgery, the severity of the illness, your pet's age, and complications during the surgery. Depending on the results of the surgery, our veterinarians will help you plan your pet's recovery phase, which can include laser therapy, a change in diet and exercise plan, and more.

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